Errors of Unconditional Love

By David Herz

Posted on Mar 21, 2019 by in Relationships, Advice, Relationships, Love
Errors of Unconditional Love

unsplash-logoWyron A

What is [sic] unconditional love's greatest errors?

I disagree with your premise. There is no issue with loving unconditionally. There is issue in being stupid and letting yourself be manipulated because of your love.

For instance, a child needs limits. If a parent doesn't provide them, he's not loving his child, he's abdicating his responsibility. Do you have any idea what it takes to not cave to a child at certain times? But I'd argue you are not loving your child if you do.

How about not enabling a junkie if that's your m.o? Or holding the hand of someone who's dying? Or letting a person make his own mistakes? And being ready to not be right about it?

So yes, love unconditionally, but be wise, be straight, be forthright, be responsible for your word.

1 comment

Comment from: Willow Harris

Willow Harris

I was that person for six years. I loved an addict/felon. My love for him was unconditional. He had two sides to him. One most never seen. He showed the other in public. He was brilliant when it came to manipulation. He probably could convince the pope. But there was a kind soul buried deep inside that he let me see from time to time. I was convinced he loved me the same only to find I was used, abused and a fool. A long story short I fought for a love that only loved his addictions who h eventually took his life. My advice to anyone is beware of the charmer that moves quickly and good at hiding (snake). Run run as fast as you can. That is not love not unconditional love. It is the devil at his best in damaging the very emotion we need. The ability to love.

11/22/20 @ 11:54

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