Life happens for you, not to you. That quote sits here on my screen. It is from Jim Rohn. It is a good reminder. The three second distillation, because sometimes it is that simple.
I am incredibly sad these days. It is much worse to be sad for another than it is for oneself, and maybe it is in part for myself. Maybe it is all about me.
I've struggled with depression and anxiety all my life and I just can't seem to get it together. I don't understand why I'm so pathetic? Will it get better?
If it's clinical, seek professional help. But do the work to find the therapist that works for you.
If it's not, give up that you are pathetic. Pathetic is a conclusion you draw based on the facts you see and the weight you give them. Other people have accomplished more, other people have different talents, other people have been motivated differently by their experiences. Other people just seem to be motivated.
I think you've got a good shot at making it better if you take the focus off yourself and start asking different questions, something like these:
What I am suggesting is that you find something that means something to you and then you figure out what you can do to carry it forward. And as you get busy doing this, your current concerns will simply become irrelevant, or at least bother you less.