Playing it Safe

By David Herz

Posted on Apr 13, 2015 by in Advice

I got a great writing cue from my friend Sarah Lou Cooper this morning.

Hey Selfologists,

What are your favourite time wasters?
Why is it a waste of time?
Does it actually give anything to you or serve a hidden purpose?
What do you feel you should be doing? What could you be doing?

Sarah Lou x

I love this question, especially with where I am right now.

My favorite time waster is taking care of my wife and taking on projects in our household. Yesterday, for instance, I took the alarm system out of her car. It was malfunctioning, and the car wouldn't always start, and she had gotten stuck with it and didn't trust it anymore.

It's a waste of time because my time should and would be worth more than this, that is if I put myself to my best and highest use. We wouldn't have a malfunctioning alarm system in a fourteen year old car, because we wouldn't be driving a car that old. So it's a waste of time because I use the notion that “I am taking care of her” to justify not taking responsibility for living into a bigger future.

What I should be doing is making the world a better place by reforming systems of education, governments, and bureaucracies, teaching and training populations to think and inspiring them to bold action.

That seems a bit scary to take on though; so I've been playing it safe, but that's been killing me; so I guess I've really got no alternative.

This entry was posted by David Herz and filed under Advice.

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